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I mean, what do you do now that Mom's not here?... I mean, do you have sex with other women?" JACQUI!" screamed her sister, "Mommy just died." I know Dani, I'm sorry Dad. God, it's just that I miss Johnnie so much, I miss his body next to mine, touching me, I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything," she said, her voice tailing off into a whisper."Nonsense honey," I said, putting my hand over hers, "You'll always be able to talk to me about anything." But do you believe in sex without love Daddy? Just sleeping with somebody to relieve yourself? To just feel good for a while?" Oh Gross Jacqui!" her sister interjected."Honey," I started, "The only woman I've slept with in twenty-five years was your Mom and I loved her so much" What about before? Before you met Mom, I mean. You must have" Well, there were two girls in high school," I admitted, remembering. "But I did think at the time I was in love with each of them," I smiled."And when you were in the Marines?" Jacqui," was again hissed. If he could not find a new source of money he may have to cancel the festival all together.Letting out a sigh of frustration Ozpin took a sip of his coffee before he turned to his computer and decided to see if some of his favorite TV Shows could help inspire him. He turned on one of his most favorite’s Full house and watched in amusement as Rebecca convinced Danny, Joey, and Jesse to participate in an auction for charity. He could not help but let out a laugh as Rebecca lets jealousy take over and start a bidding war with another person.As he watched the episode to its conclusion an idea suddenly struck him. He could do the same thing as the show and have an auction using some of his students. The only difference would be rather than using the boys he may use the girls instead. While he may have a few good looking boys on campus they pale in comparison to the girls on campus. He was sure just team RWBY would do a fantastic job with their publicity for fighting the breach and the.
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