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As for Cory and Fiona, they believe they were never asked. Things happenedand they agreed to the things after. They were happy when they were theopposite sex but life is very hard now It was the expert's view that this is a case of child abuse, and from thestories of Nannies old children she took care of, it is obvious that sheabused children beforeK. Manny our analyst says this was another win for the prosecution. Thefact that many feels the children were forced or manipulated is childabuse.?TV News Clip 7Fiona Attacked.There was not much action in the court today; however the news was aboutone of the twins, Fiona.?A source from her school said that Fiona was at school today. This isdespite the fact that the teachers advised her dad to keep her home.Everyone knows that she is involved in the trial and that she is more thana tomboy. She has been teased at school and beaten up in the toilets.?The toilet bullying was hard. Fiona walked into the girl?s toilet and wasslapped and told to. She at first just started moaning as I fucked her pussy then she started saying stuff like "Thank you Masterrrr." "Master please tear apart my pussy!! Please fuck your Sluts pussy so hard it rips her pussy apart!!" After a while of fucking her and her screaming those dirty comments I come. She had came at least 3 times before I did. She never has done this. What else has she wanted and not told me? "You where being a very dirty Slut talking that way. Weren't you?"She nodded shyly, "Yes Master." "Well then, since you openly admit it, stand up and bend over." She does exactly what I told her."Hold your ankles and don't move, if you do you get punished worse." I take my belt off the ground a spank her ass. I already know her limits because we've talked about this before and just didn't really act on it and it was forgotten. Or so we thought. "Count Slut!" I yell. I spank her again. "One!" She screams but has a huge smile on her face. I spank her again with my belt and she yells "Two.
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