I can feel my two clad nipples tense and solidify up. My whole body is stiffening and tautening promptly at the same time additionally. I dont want to have sex with him right now, but I am so severely and powerlessly enticed to do this. He joins me for dinner brusquely afterwards. I make two hot cups of tea for the both of us, and we slurp and gulp it up while sinking our teeth and frantically chomping into our bowls of white mushroom and boiled rice. It is all excitement and enjoyment! I solicited him to join me for this brilliant meal, which he easily and without much of any second thought consented to. Even as we feast, he is settled and stooled so close to me I cannot help it but dread any further slam-up contact with him. He is so breathtaking and amazing. When I cant get myself to sip any more tea, he makes me slurp and gulp it by seizing the cup for me and bowing it downwards toward my open mouth. I let the sweet sugary tea fall and stream its way without problems and calmly. My brains were in my cock right then, so I sort of registered her words and they made me hold her hips tight and thrust as hard as I could while she pushed her bottom back against me and shuddered with every stroke. With an "Aargh" or a gurgle or groan or some combination of sounds I pressed home one last time and emptied myself in her.I held Emily against me, my hands first on her hips, then cradling her breasts, until I softened and slipped out of her. I turned her into my arms and her kiss was warm and soft yet her intent was clear and I held her and hugged her some more. When we separated I saw laughter and affection, even love, in her eyes and she was irresistible and I kissed her again, my hands now on her firm bottom.When I finally released her, Emily took my hand and we climbed the steps out of the pool and headed for the shower at the side of the house. Out of the corner of my eye I saw my parents framed by the open patio door. Rather, I saw Mom standing, but I was pretty.
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