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I was going to go down and lick her pussy but she said not to as it was that time of the month just to fuck her i was a bit wary .hi this is my first story like a fairy tale it all began long ago she was about 8 or 9 at the time i know it sounds youngbut just listen we that is my family always done charity work one day wegot a fold down bed from one of our collectionsmy sister said to me that night why dont we sleep in itso we can make sure it is ok so i said ok.later when it was bedtime she said to my mum me and chris are going to sleep in the "new"fold down bed in the back room my mum said thats ok so later when every one whent tobed my sister joined me in the fold down bed we lay like spoons in the bed she said chris i need a cuddle so i put my arm over her and she sys cuddle me tighter so i did then she asked me what i new about sex i said i ont no much but i saw pictures of a man licking a womens fanny she asked me if i would do this to her so i saidd ok and went between her legs. " Her voice told of the conflict of emotions that were at play."Fran ... I did what I did because you needed help, you needed a friend, and you have repaid me far more than you could know. I'm not trying to get rid of you, but this is an opportunity that only you can decide to take or reject. I won't try and influence you one way or the other. Follow your heart, Fran. You're free now. You can make decisions about your future and not worry about anything except what feels right."At that moment she burst into tears and came to my chair, kneeling before me. She took my hands in hers and held them tightly to her cheeks as she looked into my eyes."You are a wonderful man, Ed. I'm so glad I met you and I'll always remember what you have done for me. I'm going to take this opportunity. I think I can do it and be happy. I want you with me to look over the contract, please. It looked very simple, but I want your opinion." I'm not a lawyer or an agent, Fran. I'll look at it, but I might tell.
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