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Michael gave Flanna and Erina a copy of the map as it had seven blue circles and three yellow circles. He said he wanted to view the blue circle properties first and then the yellow circles if necessary. The last of the blue circles was the home of one of the Englishmen who had built an exact replica of Bamburgh Castle, whom the Englishman believed the builder/owners to be his ancestors. After Michael saw the castle he told Flanna they could return to Crom Estate, as he had seen all he needed to see. When he landed, Granda was waiting for him with news on the three Scots, they were all three Celts, and many years ago had a vision that they would live to see the return of the Ard-Ri of Ulster. That reduced the number to seven they would have to relocate for the year. Michael asked Trina to find out what the Englishman would want to rent the castle to him for a year?Meghan and Maureen had met with the real estate people and had selected an agent that would sell the farms as two. “What’s up, Elyse?” I asked, hugging her.“Warren. He got back together with his girlfriend from tenth grade. He broke up with me.”“Wow. Did he say why?”“Not really. He hemmed and hawed and didn’t really say anything. I got the idea that he just couldn’t deal with our,” she waved her hand to include the five of us standing together, “lifestyle.”“I thought he was doing reasonably well and adapting,” I protested. “He even said so. And he seemed OK, too.”“You don’t read guys very well, Steve,” Kathy said. “I don’t mean that to disparage you, just to say that you read girls pretty well, but guys are more difficult for you.”“He doesn’t ALWAYS read girls really well,” Kara said with what appeared to me to be a knowing smile, “but he usually does.”“What did I miss, Kathy?” I asked, ignoring Kara’s Smart Aleck comment.“Think back to that ice-breaker afternoon,” Kathy said. “We know Elyse is the most reserved amongst us when it comes to sexuality, at least in public, but Warren was WAY more.
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