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The Scienceand Med officers are dead Ma’am. They were pulled outwith unsealed suits when the rock got us. They neverhad a chance. John was worried about his implant andThom was checking it out when it happened.”I watched her as I gave my report and saw that mystatements shook her up pretty badly. She paused,gathering herself, and then the command ‘self’ of hertook over.“I need a complete serviceability and safety check assoon as you can manage it Tech.”“Yes Ma’am. I’ll go right out and do the over scan ofthe hull since I’m suited up.”“No. You’ll stay inside and use the VR bots. I can’ttake the chance of losing my senior Mech Tech on a walkoutside right now. Have your crew do the scan with thebots. You get unsuited and do the assessment. I need toknow what we are up against ASAP.” (AdProvider = window.AdProvider || []).push({"serve": {}});‘Yes Ma’am!”I really didn’t get. Heogled her long shapely limbs, her creamy smooth thighs spread wide and her thickpatch of downy cunthair peeking out from behind the palm of her hand as shecontinued to finger her pussy.When she clasped her thighs with both hands and spread her legs wider, opening upthe delights of her waiting cunt, Jeff knelt between her knees. His head went down tothe wet pink slit of her pussy. He inhaled the heady aroma of cuntjuice and wentwild.Dianne thrust her hips upward at the first contact of his tongue on her waiting pussy.An uncontrollable moan, like a sudden release of long- held pent-up emotions andexpectations, flowed from her mouth. Her chest heaved grandly, her tits ballooningas though suddenly filled with air. She freed her hands and put them to work gentlycaressing the back of her son's head as his tongue worked into the fleshy folds ofher steamy cunt."God, Jeffy!" she gasped. "Oh my God! Take me higher, Jeffy, please! Flick yourtongue over my clit!Her words crunched to a halt.
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